When thinking of Scottish cuisine, haggis and whiskey commonly come to mind. Although the dish and beverage are popular in Scottish cuisine, the history of the country’s dietary habits is more complex based on the evolving knowledge and financial resources of...
“The Outlaw King” comes to the big screen under the direction of Scotsman David Mackenzie. He undertook the challenge of portraying Scotland’s ongoing battle for independence. The film stars Chris Pine as Robert the Bruceand strives to continue the story after...
Picking a restaurant can be tough. Do you mind spending a little extra money or are you looking for a cheaper option? Do you want to sit down or just a quick bite? Do you want a fine dining experience or are you looking for a more casual atmosphere? Lucky for you,...
Perth used to be the capital of Scotland but now it is known as one of the most popular places to explore while in Scotland. Local townspeople and travelers have picked their top favorite spots in Perth that people must visit while in the beautiful area. 1....
Scotland is the most beautiful country in the world– it’s officially voted by the people. So when it comes to naming the best places to visit while in Scotland, it gets a little harder to narrow it down. What you should do is visit as many places in Scotland as...
Planning a trip to Scotland, but don’t want to miss out on golfing opportunities? Here’s a list of the best public, semi-private, private, and resort golf courses in Scotland. Public St. Andrews (Old) Location: Fife, Scotland Boasting an expansive 6721 yards, St....